Controller Configuration
This page is dedicated to explaining how to access and use the Controller Settings menu in Zephyr.
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This page is dedicated to explaining how to access and use the Controller Settings menu in Zephyr.
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To navigate to the Controller Settings menu, click "Controller" on the main menu screen.
This will bring you to the Controller Settings menu.
Alternatively, if you are already in a different settings menu or the scenario selection menu, you can navigate to the Controller Settings menu by clicking the Controller Settings tab (represented by an image of a drone controller).
Selecting this tab takes the user to the Calibration page, where they can adjust their controller's calibration and stick deadzones.
Selecting this tab takes the user to the Mapping page, where they remap key inputs for their keyboard and controller.
Mobile Controller
Selecting this tab takes the user to the Mobile Controller page. This is deprecated functionality and is no longer officially supported.
Quick Calibration
Selecting this option brings up the Quick Calibration user interface, allowing the user to quickly adjust their controller's calibration.
In-depth Calibration
Selecting this option brings up the In-depth Calibration user interface, allowing users a more advanced process for calibrating their controller.
Clear Calibration
Clears the controller calibration data stored in Zephyr, returning it to default.
Stick Input Display
Stick input on the users controller will be reflected by the two crosshairs, allowing the user to see how Zephyr is reading their controller's stick input.
Stick Deadzone Adjustment
This is the Stick Deadzone Adjustment user interface. The user can enter a custom stick deadzone value or clear the value to return it to default.
If you need to perform a quick calibration of your controller, begin by selecting the "Quick Calibration" button.
Next, follow the on-screen prompts with the sticks on your controller.
You will first move both sticks up and to the left and then hold them in that position until the on-screen prompt changes.
You will then move both sticks down and to the right and then hold them in that position until the on-screen prompt changes.
Your controller should now be calibrated.
If you wish to perform a more advanced calibration of your controller, begin by selecting the "In-depth Calibration" button.
Next, follow the on-screen prompts with the sticks on your controller.
Begin by moving both sticks straight up and then holding them in that position until the on-screen prompt changes.
Next, move both sticks straight down and then hold them in that position until the on-screen prompt changes.
Next, move both sticks to the left and then hold them in that position until the on-screen prompt changes.
Next, move both sticks to the right and then hold them in that position until the on-screen prompt changes.
Your controller should now be calibrated.
If you encounter odd behavior with your controller after calibration, clearing your calibration data is a good place to start.
Clicking "Clear Calibration" will delete your calibration data.
There will not be a popup after you click the button.
A stick's center deadzone value is the radius around the center of the stick where input is not registered - a "dead zone".
To adjust your controller's stick center deadzone, begin by clicking on the white text field, as shown below.
Next, enter your desired value between 0 and 1.
Finally, click "Set" to save the new deadzone setting.
The deadzone setting is not saved until you click "Set".
If you wish to return your deadzone settings to default, simply click "Clear" for both stick settings.
The Mapping page allows users to custom map inputs to suit their individual preferences.
To add or change the mapping of a function to an input, begin by selecting the function you wish to map an input to.
After selecting the function you wish to map an input to, a user interface will appear with three options:
Activate the control you with to map for [Function]
Maps the entered input to the function
Backspace to Clear
Clears all inputs currently mapped to the indicated function
Esc to Cancel
Closes the function mapping user interface without making any changes
If you wish to restore input mapping to default, simply click the "Restore Defaults" button.